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Connecting to a Microsoft Access Database

To connect to a Microsoft Access database, you must include the


namespace because all the ASP.NET classes that are required to connect to datasources

through an OleDB connection are located in this namespace.The ASPX page looks as




<title>Connecting to a Microsoft Access Database<title>



<form runat="server">

<h3>Connecting to a Microsoft Access Database</h3>


<asp:DataGrid id="dg1" runat="server"></asp:DataGrid>



<asp:Literal id="ltlError" runat="server"></asp:Literal>





Add the following code within the <script> tags:

Public Sub Page_Load(Source As Object, E As EventArgs)

Dim ConnectionString As String

ConnectionString =

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;Data Source=" & _

Server.MapPath("Northwind.mdb") & ";"

Dim QuerySQL As String

QuerySQL = "SELECT * FROM Shippers"

Dim objConn As New OleDbConnection(ConnectionString)

Dim objCmd As OleDbCommand

objCmd = New OleDbCommand

objCmd.CommandText = QuerySQL

objCmd.Connection = objConn



dg1.DataSource = objCmd.ExecuteReader()


Catch Err As Exception

ltlError.Text = Err.ToString()



End Try

End Sub


First, you must create a connection string that includes the driver and the source path of

the source database. In this example, this has been assigned to the string type variable

named ConnectionString. Remember that if you are using Microsoft Access 97, the

connection string is going to be as follows:

"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.3.75;Data Source=" & _

Server.MapPath("Northwind.mdb") & ";"

Whereas when using Microsoft Access 2000 and XP, the string is as demonstrated in the

code.You must create the Connection and Command objects as well.The Connection

object's constructor is provided with ConnectionString, which contains the connection

string.The Command object's instance is assigned the query and the connection that it

will use to access the datasource.

Having established the basic settings for the Connection and the Command objects,

you enclose the rest of the code within a Try/Catch/Finally block to capture any type

of errors that arise. Afterwards, within the Try/Catch block, you open the connection

and call the ExecuteReader method of the command object.This method executes the

specified query text and returns the results to the DataGrid control that has been

assigned to it.

When you view the page in the browser, you will see all the records from the database

table specified in the query.

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