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Executing a Stored Procedure with No Results Returned

' Set up the connection / command

Dim connectionString as String = "server=.;database=Northwind;


Dim connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)

Dim command As New SqlCommand("IncrementDownloads", connection)

command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

' Execute, but don't return any results





There are many cases, especially when using stored procedures, where it is unnecessary

to return a result set from the database. In those cases, the

SqlCommand provides a simple

ExecuteNonQuery() method that can be used to run the results on the database.This

method doesn't return a result set-if one is returned it's simply ignored.

This technique is also useful when executing non-SELECT SQL scripts, such as

UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE, where returning a result set serves no purpose.

When working with a datareader, make sure to close the connection. Unlike a

dataset, the connection stays open until you close it.

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